Moms to the Rescue

My son and I were at his Little Gym class. This is a class we go to every week. You get there, they ask all everyone to wash their hands before heading into the gym.

My boy and I head over, but something went horribly wrong. I was holding his hands and then all of a sudden he was falling and hit his face on the chair used as a step stool for the kids to reach the sink. I picked him up and tried to look in his mouth and all I saw was blood.

As a mom, I try my hardest not to freak out when he is upset or freaking out because I don’t want to scare him. In my mind though, I was FREAKING OUT! I couldn’t figure out where the blood was coming from. His teeth looked fine. He was sobbing. My mind just froze. I didn’t know what my next step was. Do I leave? How do I help him? I can’t find the blood source so is it worse than I think? Am I ER bound to make sure his jaw is okay? Did I do this to him somehow? Did he trip? Am I a terrible mother? It all happened so fast. Panic panic panic! (Inwardly).

This is where this story gets good. In my moments of being frozen and holding my crying boy, Moms around me came to my rescue. One with a towel to soak up the blood, one with an ice pack, and all with encouraging words and advice. I was not alone.

My boy stopped crying with the ice pack, I was able to see he bit his lip and was probably just a little shaken up. He pulled himself together (way better than I did, as I was trying not to tear up) and went into his class and had a blast.

I’m writing this story here because truthfully, I am still shaken up. I just wanted to hug and squeeze him and have him lay his head on my shoulder so that I could cry and just hold him and know he was okay.

Here is the important take away: be that mom. I want to be the mom that helps a fellow mama out in a moment of panic and brain freeze. I want to let her know that she isn’t alone. I will show up with a towel or some ice or whatever she needs and help her out of that scary moment. I want to tell her that sometimes kids fall down, but it will be okay, and she will be there to pick her child up. I want to let her know that she is doing great and all they need is love.

Be that Mom.

XO, Nico